Monday, 2 February 2009

Snow Day and Inspirational Ladies :)


Here in the UK it is SNOWING! its all white and wonderful here :) very cold though, but oh well it looks pretty :)

I just want to start by saying it is such a coincidence that Amy over at Coffee Talk blogged about how she has lost some of her creativity through ed and the same with Jenny at Peanut Butter and Jenny..if you look at my last post i wrote about how ed has made me forget about my passion and love for is still always there, though before it used to be my main focus whereas now i just get fustrated as i can't peform as well as i used to.. since when has ed had the authority to take away my dreams and passion!?
I am dancing/singing in a show in 6 weeks and before i was dreading being judged for not being as good as the other girls, now i am going to enjoy what i love and embrace my talent! so thank you amy for bringing up this vital point :) WE ALL DESERVE TO GET OUR CREATIVE JUICES FLOWING AND EMBRACE OUR TALENTS AND PASSIONS...

I have a few quotes i want to leave you girls with, they are good when you just need a little pick me up...Have a lovely day xx

'The only thing in life to regret, are the risks we didnt take'

'Sometimes you have to lose yourself to find out who you really are'

'Dont measure yourself by the knocks you get in life, measure yourself by your ability and determination to get back up'

'In order to love your life you really have to live it'

'Everything is ok in the end...and if its not ok...its not the end'

'Life isnt about wanting the storm to pass, its about learning to dance in the rain'

'Be a winner, be a star, be happy to be who you are'

'Dont be afraid your life will end, be afraid it will never begin'


1 comment:

  1. love the quotes! thanks for posting them because sometimes i get lazy about finding them! haha

    im so glad youre dancing and doing what you love - that's going to be such a fantastic experience for you because its coming from your heart! youre awesome =)
