Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Missing you..


Again sorry for the lack of blogging...i have little time to do ANYTHING...what with starting my temp job and being constantly tired...whilst trying to actually have a social life and coping with ED...

Yep, you guessed it...He's been up in my business and with full force...forcing me into feelings and routines i thought i was fighting...

Im just lost....But i will be back..

Love to all xxx

PS- all your blogs are helping me so muchg right now..you're angels..xx


  1. Keep up the good fight! I have faith in you. ED is a sneaky bugger, and unfortunately, he just keeps coming back.

  2. Stay positive and strong! And good luck with everything you have going on! I'm always here if ya need anything.
    Love ya!

  3. heey, i saw that you're not in a good mood and i decided to say to you for not give up on anything! you just have to keep positive and you can let ed decide what you're gonna do because it's YOUR body and it's YOUR health :)

    c'mon girl, stay strong!

    love <3

  4. I'm sorry you've been having a rough time! It's extra hard to fight against the eating disorder when you are tired and stressed, maybe thing will settle down a bit when you get used to your temp job? Hang in there <3

  5. Stay strong and keep fighting! You're in a transitional time right now that's challenging for anyone, so obviously it's hard to balance it all. We're all here for you.

  6. Aw don't apoligize hon, if you are freeing from your ED and focasing on non-ED activities, I am very proud of you :)
